This Saturday, September 11, 2010


It’s time for the

Seattle Bicycle Music Festival!

This Saturday, starting at Bergen Place, in Ballard (at the intersection of Leary Ave, 22nd Ave NW, and NW Market St) at 9 am.

9:00 – 10:00AM Leaf Colors

10:15 – 11:15AM Ethan J. Perry

11:45AM – 12:45PM Ride bikes to the next location! Denny Park (corner of Dexter / Denny, downtown)

1:15 – 2:15PM  Three Ninjas

2:30 – 3:30PM The Mongrel Jews

3:45 – 5:00PM No Rey

5:30 – 6:30PM Ride bikes to Cal Anderson Park!!!

6:30 – 7:30PM Orkestar Zirkonium

7:30 – 8:30PM Manigua Band

8:45 – 10:00PM Goose Vargis

Building the Music Festival

We’ve been hard at work, building the Bike Bar, which is the bicycle-operated sound stage. It’s going to be a fold-able trailer, that we can hook five bicycles up to and power the sound system.

Here’s a shot of Jon welding, with Dan working in the background:

And Joe, cutting metal tubing:

I can’t thank these guys enough for their time and energy they’ve poured into building this equipment. They’re pretty amazing!

For more photos of the construction and past activities with SBMF, check out the Flickr set.

More Volunteer Opportunities!

The time is nigh. We have a lot to do still, and we’re making all the final adjustments and getting things together. Our crack team of engineers – Joe, Jon, and Dan – have been busy building a pedal-powered stage, all by hand. It is quite impressive, actually. DJ Ryan’s pulled out the stops with his sound system and has helped purchase some essential components. Miriam’s been right there, helping with all the administrative stuff we have to do and basically acting as my right-hand woman. It’s a great team that we have working together. But there’s still more to do!

We’re going to meet every night this week after work (5:00pm until 9:30pm) to put some finishing touches on the pedal-powered stage. But what we REALLY need help with is painting signs. I have a bunch of cardboard and some paints, so if you want to come out and help decorate some fabulous signs and create a banner to hang behind the bands, that would be awesome! All you need is some old clothes you don’t mind getting paint on and a little creativity.

We’ll be meeting at Jon’s house: 2336 N 63rd St., Seattle, WA 98103

Call Sylvie with questions: 619-861-7011

SMBF Bands: No Rey

No Rey was recommended by a friend, and I am SO HAPPY he brought them to my attention. They’re GREAT! I’m super excited about seeing them live finally, you should be too. Just check out this video of them playing live at Conor Byrne in Ballard in February of this year:

SBMF Bands: The Mongrel Jews

The first time I saw the Mongrel Jews at a house party, I was completely enchanted. They’re a DIY folk band with the energy of punks that’ll get anyone humming along. It’s almost like they channel the spirit of Joey Ramone if he lived in the 1930s. Pretty amazing.

Here they are that first night I ever saw them, performing “Potter’s Field” at the House of the Rising Sun:

Supplies We Still Need

Here’s a short list of items we still need in order to make the music happen. If you have any of the below items that we can use for the day, please let us know ASAP!

  • (3) – XLR mic cables
  • (2) – 1/4″ instrument cables — one 25′ in length
  • 35′ of 6 gauge wire
  • 10 battery terminals for 6 gauge wire

SBMF Bands: Orkestar Zirkonium

OK, this band is nothing but incredible. Balkan-inspired drum and brass marching band? Yes, please!

Check ’em out:

Look at this CRAZY ENERGY!

SBMF Bands: Manigua

This band is amazing. My friend and I saw them last month at First Thursday’s Art Walk, and they had the whole place jumping. Seriously, they knocked our socks off!

Check out this video shot of them at Chop Suey a couple weeks ago:

May Day! May Day! Musician Down!

I just received word that one of our musicians might not be able to make it to her scheduled time slot (10:15 – 11:15am). Rather than risk having a giant hole in the music that day, I’m looking for a band who might want to fill that slot.

Do you know of a band that would want to play in the morning at Ballard? If so, get them my contact info ASAP!


UPDATE:  We found a singer/songwriter! Yay! Thanks, Ethan Perry!

All Hands On Deck!

It is time! The Seattle Bicycle Music Festival is upon us and now is the time to join us in the fun, last minute preparations.

Here’s where we need your help:

  • Handing out and posting flyers
  • Chalk painting the route and reminders
  • Poster Painting and Decorating Party (date TBA)
If you have any interest, PLEASE CONTACT US ASAP!